About South West Hospital and Health Service (HHS)
The South West HHS employs approximately 833 FTE staff and has an operating budget of $190.416 million for 2022-23, which is an increase from the published 2021-22 operating budget of $169.7 million.
The South West HHS is responsible for providing public hospital and health services and aged care services to a population of just over 26,000 people residing across 319,000 square kilometres in South West Queensland. The population is not evenly distributed and there is significant variability in population growth predicted during the period 2020–2026.

The South West HHS is responsible for the management of facilities and services including three hospitals at Charleville, Roma and St George, eight multi-purpose health services, two residential aged care services, four community clinics and nine general practices. A range of services and programs is also provided through these facilities by visiting clinicians and/or through Telehealth.
The South West HHS also operates a number of community and allied health service and outpatient clinics providing a comprehensive range of community and primary health services, including aged care assessment, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health programs, child and maternal health services, alcohol, tobacco and other drugs services, home care services, community health nursing, sexual health services, allied health services, oral health and health promotion programs.
Required skills, knowledge and experience
The South West Hospital and Health Board considers skills and expertise in the areas listed below as highly desirable for a member or Chair:
- AICD accreditation
- Quality and Safety
- Media relations and Marketing
- Strategic ICT
- Rural and Remote health
Other skills, knowledge or experience that may be required as set out in the legislation include (but are not limited to):
- Expertise in Health management
- Expertise in Business management
- Expertise in Financial management
- Expertise in Industrial management
- Expertise in Human Resource management
- Clinical expertise and Clinician
- Legal expertise
- Primary healthcare skills, knowledge and experience
- Consumer and community health knowledge
- Academia in HHS operations
- Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander persons and associated Community Health issues
We strongly encourage First Nations people, women, people with expertise in multiculturalism, young people and people with disabilities to apply.
Board Members are key leaders in their local communities. They fulfil important internal governance obligations in relation to the oversight of HHS operations and will often represent the HHS at meetings, events and community activities. These additional activities may occur outside standard business hours.
The geographical areas of Hospital and Health Services are large and additional time commitment may be required by Board Members to accommodate travel to local communities and facilities. This is particularly the case for HHSs located in regional areas.
The approximate time commitment for these positions is five days per fortnight for Chairs and three days per fortnight for Members.
Further information regarding South West HHS is available at: https://www.southwest.health.qld.gov.au/
For more information on how to apply please download the Applicant Information Pack.
SWHHS acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land across Queensland, and pays respect to First Nations Elders past, present and future and actively encourages applications from First Nations peoples.
If you require any assistance or adjustments to this application process to enable you to apply for the advertised role, please contact an Executive Quarter team member on 0497 499 749 or email [email protected] for a confidential discussion.